Did Kylie Jenner had a surgery on her butt? If yes, is it injections, implants or BBL?

July 7, 2015
Asked By:ana64 in Florida, NY

I noticed the butt of Kylie Jenner grew up since few months ... i would like to get the same it's look like natural and big , Could you tell what procedure she had ?

4 photos

Answers (5)

From board-certified doctors and trusted medical professionals
March 12, 2017

Answer: BBL?

1 person found this helpful
March 12, 2017

Answer: BBL?

1 person found this helpful
March 31, 2021

Answer: Did Kylie Jenner had a surgery on her butt? If yes, is it injections, implants or BBL?

March 31, 2021

Answer: Did Kylie Jenner had a surgery on her butt? If yes, is it injections, implants or BBL?

December 5, 2016

Answer: Kylie Jenner - Surgery?

December 5, 2016

Answer: Kylie Jenner - Surgery?

Recommended reading

Brazilian Butt Lift

Everything you need to know about Brazilian Butt Lift

  • 85% worth it
  • 21.8k reviews
  • Avg cost: $8,422
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August 19, 2015

Answer: Buttock

August 19, 2015

Answer: Buttock

July 12, 2017

Answer: Did Kylie Jenner had a surgery on her butt? If yes, is it injections, implants or BBL?

1 person found this helpful
July 12, 2017

Answer: Did Kylie Jenner had a surgery on her butt? If yes, is it injections, implants or BBL?

1 person found this helpful

Recommended reading

Brazilian Butt Lift

Everything you need to know about Brazilian Butt Lift

  • 85% worth it
  • 21.8k reviews
  • Avg cost: $8,422
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