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Well I added a few new pics from the wedding and...
Well I added a few new pics from the wedding and honeymoon...they aren't as detailed as the [RS bleep] of course but they give you an idea of how my body has changed. I certainly don't look skinny but I can definitely see how much more defined my waist is and I felt great wearing an open back tankini because I knew I had no fat rolls on my back it was nice to not feel self conscious anymore. I loved the casual dresses for sale in the Bahamas, I got this red one down there and it falls in all the right places. Overall, I feel like my shape is now more hourglass and less spare tire. I still have some major weight loss to go in my journey and my husband and I have been walking about an hour a day so we're on the right track :)
Day 43- Weighed myself today and am down to 193,...
Day 43- Weighed myself today and am down to 193, so I'm almost down to the 12lbs lost from the surgery (190lbs). I've been *trying* to follow the Mediterranean diet plan (although Memorial Day weekend was not helpful with all the burgers, dogs, chips, etc.). And ironically, I've done better with food on the nights that I work than on the days I am at home...I think its because I only have food to eat that I bring (hospital kitchen is closed during the night shift) so if I bring healthy food, then that's all I have to eat! Plus I drink alot of water when I'm on shift and when I feel hungry, I eat stuff like cereal bars or yogurt instead of big meals.
So I think that overall, the surgery helped me get down at least 2 dress sizes, possibly three. I'm now down to a size 16 and really just focusing on making smart choices every day with food and activity, rather than forcing myself to commit to losing a certain amount of weight by a certain date. My goal is to learn how to eat better and enjoy doing it...I try to think about it the same way as when I tried to quit smoking...I wasn't successful with that until I got to a point where I didn't WANT to smoke, rather than not smoking because I knew I shouldn' I know that I am capable of embracing new lifestyle habits.
I can't wait to see how this surgery will enhance my weight loss and can definitely say that I am glad I did it. It has given me alot of motivation and for the first time in a long time, I am actually comfortable in my own body. I know I'm not the skinniest girl in the world but I'm so happy that my big belly and back fat are gone and I know that this investment in myself will pay off in the end!
So I think that overall, the surgery helped me get down at least 2 dress sizes, possibly three. I'm now down to a size 16 and really just focusing on making smart choices every day with food and activity, rather than forcing myself to commit to losing a certain amount of weight by a certain date. My goal is to learn how to eat better and enjoy doing it...I try to think about it the same way as when I tried to quit smoking...I wasn't successful with that until I got to a point where I didn't WANT to smoke, rather than not smoking because I knew I shouldn' I know that I am capable of embracing new lifestyle habits.
I can't wait to see how this surgery will enhance my weight loss and can definitely say that I am glad I did it. It has given me alot of motivation and for the first time in a long time, I am actually comfortable in my own body. I know I'm not the skinniest girl in the world but I'm so happy that my big belly and back fat are gone and I know that this investment in myself will pay off in the end!
Day 31- I weighed myself today and am down to 194...
Day 31- I weighed myself today and am down to 194.6, which is about 7.5lbs different than my preop date, not quite the 12lbs gone that they said was removed. I would have thought that by one month out, the swelling would have subsided enough that the weight would be reflected on the scale but I guess not. Its not a big deal, just curious.
I've been really enjoying my flatter tummy by wearing fitted Tshirts again, just in time for summer! Even though I'm nowhere near my goal weight (still need to lose at least 60lbs from the scale), I know that I don't look like what the scale says at all...I feel like my body looks like it did when I was closer to 175, so that's progress :) And even at that weight, I still had much more of a belly than I have now and alot more back fat so the surgery definitely creates a more sculpted look that changes your whole body shape. I am actually excited to go try on some swimsuits for my honeymoon now that my belly is flatter...I definitely feel more feminine and less like a blob :) I also noticed that my jeans, although the same "size," fit my body so much better, no more belly hanging over and with my waist being much smaller and my back fat significantly reduced, my overall figure has improved greatly. I can finally start wearing styles that I used to like those fitted Tshirts, without having to wear a pullover to hide my big belly :) And my back doesn't hurt like it did before either!
I've been really enjoying my flatter tummy by wearing fitted Tshirts again, just in time for summer! Even though I'm nowhere near my goal weight (still need to lose at least 60lbs from the scale), I know that I don't look like what the scale says at all...I feel like my body looks like it did when I was closer to 175, so that's progress :) And even at that weight, I still had much more of a belly than I have now and alot more back fat so the surgery definitely creates a more sculpted look that changes your whole body shape. I am actually excited to go try on some swimsuits for my honeymoon now that my belly is flatter...I definitely feel more feminine and less like a blob :) I also noticed that my jeans, although the same "size," fit my body so much better, no more belly hanging over and with my waist being much smaller and my back fat significantly reduced, my overall figure has improved greatly. I can finally start wearing styles that I used to like those fitted Tshirts, without having to wear a pullover to hide my big belly :) And my back doesn't hurt like it did before either!
Provider Review
The only reason why I didn't rate all fives is because I didn't receive a call on day 2 asking how I was doing...most people who went to this clinic said that they did get called to check up on them. ** I changed my rating to all fives since about 30 mins after I wrote the original post, the office called to check on me :)**