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*Treatment results may vary

I had decided to go through with Tummy Tuck after...

I had decided to go through with Tummy Tuck after many years of wanting it; I didn't think plastic surgery was for someone like me. I had a breast reduction last year and loved the results so much; I started to revisit the idea of a Tummy Tuck! Mine was not covered by insurance, so I had to get over the guilt of spending the money on myself! I also wanted to ensure I had the best surgeon at a cost I could afford, so I went to 3 surgeons; I got a variety of opinions. I'm so glad I did! I'm about 8 weeks from the surgery; I love the results (though not the scar). I do know the scar will fade! The procedure itself did not take long at all, about 2.5 hours. I had the full tummy tuck, I had a large amount of stretch marks both above and below my navel. Now I only have a few left, the stretch marks from above the original belly button are now below my new belly button. I went home from the hospital with 2 drainage tubes, not a big deal at all, just cumbersome at times. One came out about 10 days after the surgery and the other came out about 2 weeks after. NO pain or any sensations when they were removed. The pain...well let’s say yes there is discomfort and soreness. Not so much pain that you are screaming, but enough to be uncomfortable. Little by little week by week it eases. At 4 weeks I was almost completely pain free, mainly I just felt the stretching. At eight weeks, if I sit for long periods of time, when I get up I still feel the stretch. Not pain, just a sensation, and each day it's less and less. I did start to worry at about week 3 if I was ever going to stand up straight again. I did at about week 5, I started my walking routine again at week 2 with just a walk up the block, then around the block and at week 8 I'm back to several miles a day. Before the surgery I had lost about 30 lbs, but never felt thin, after the surgery I have a flat and I mean very flat tummy. I'm feeling good about how I look for the first time in forever! I have a pocket of something (fat?) on my left side at the end of the incision, about the size of a base ball. I talked to my surgeon about it and decided to give it more healing time, if it doesn't go down, he can fix it!!!

Provider Review

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
3830 Masthead St. NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Overall rating
Doctor's bedside manner
Answered my questions
After care follow-up
Time spent with me
Phone or email responsiveness
Staff professionalism & courtesy
Payment process
Wait times

The office staff is remarkable! They are an awesome group of ladies; they gave me their personal experience, answered all my questions, and helped me with my drainage tubes. I can't say enough about them. I think the attitude of the staff reflects the leadership of Dr. Chen. I can honestly say, I don't think I have met a kinder Doctor. He put me at ease right away; I went to 2 other Doctors: the first one over promised and the next one under estimated the result. This left me feeling deflated and confused. I decided on a third opinion and I'm so glad I found Dr. Chen. He told me he wouldn't do anything he didn't believe would get a good and noticeable result. I felt he was honest and set a realistic expectation of what could be achieved. I love how Dr. Chen and his staff make me feel as though I'm the most important patient. Cost is always a factor, although not the most important, I do feel Dr. Chen is very fair. I will definitely go back to Dr. Chen; if the need arises....I've already talked to him about what's next!!!