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*Treatment results may vary
One Month Post Op
Forgot to post my before and after 30 day post op! Everyday I am happier and happier with my results! A lot have asked for pre and post with no bra and I’ve been embarrassed but here goes nothing!!
More pictures
Deleted by mistake.
One Week Post Op!
I never intended to write on ongoing review but have been so happy with my recovery it motivated me to continue to write about it and my experience with Dr. Partington.
I had my one week post op appt last Thursday. Dr P was so happy to hear I stuck to his 7 step no narcotics plan. I’m still in shock it actually worked. I see all these other breast augmentations and see how painful they appear to be and am so grateful everyday I found him! Since I went sub glandular I was a perfect candidate for his 24 hour recovery/7 steps program. I have been able to resume my normal activities on straight Advil and Tylenol. This week I definitely feeling everything coming “back to life” if that makes sense. Still ecstatic with my results. Breasts are starting to soften up and regain movement. I still have some upper swelling but placement is perfect.
I had my one week post op appt last Thursday. Dr P was so happy to hear I stuck to his 7 step no narcotics plan. I’m still in shock it actually worked. I see all these other breast augmentations and see how painful they appear to be and am so grateful everyday I found him! Since I went sub glandular I was a perfect candidate for his 24 hour recovery/7 steps program. I have been able to resume my normal activities on straight Advil and Tylenol. This week I definitely feeling everything coming “back to life” if that makes sense. Still ecstatic with my results. Breasts are starting to soften up and regain movement. I still have some upper swelling but placement is perfect.
Provider Review
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
12301 NE 10th Pl., Bellevue, Washington