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I bought a package of 10 Coolsculpting paddles for a flat price, and can choose to have those paddles placed wherever I want. My pain area of concern are my upper arms. My BMI is 22, I eat clean and I exercise 3x week but my body likes to hold fat in my upper arms. My first session I had 4 paddles applied. Within 4 weeks I could notice a drastic difference. I would guess at least 15% reduction in the size of my arms. 6 weeks after my 1st session I went again for round 2 targeting back/bra fat and arms again. I can’t wait til I hit the 4-6 month mark so I can see the final results but I’m very impressed with the results and wish o would have done this sooner.

Provider Review

Overall rating
Doctor's bedside manner
Answered my questions
After care follow-up
Time spent with me
Phone or email responsiveness
Staff professionalism & courtesy
Payment process
Wait times