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*Treatment results may vary
Backyard fun
Feeling pretty good for only getting a couple hours sleep last night! Gotta limo and hit the town with goina2c and my hubby to celebrate his 50th birthday:) got pretty wild! Just a quick pic for now but try and put some up of last night too. We were showing off the girls!
Ok I hate my phone! Just had a nice long update nearly done and accidentally pressed the back key and lost it...[RS bleep]! Sorry been awhile but had tons of stuff goin on. Saw Revis 4 my 8 mo post-op (rt breast) and 1yr for original revision. He took pics and said they healed nicely after all they went thru. I told him my onoy concern was the muscle distortion and associated pain while lifting weights. He said he may be able 2 rectify it by goin back in and releasing the muscle...NO THANKS! Plus he couldn't guarantee it'd fix the problem. Overall I'm very happy and the muscle thing isn't noticeable unless I'm flexing so I can live with it until my next revision. I've been asked about the internal bra and I do think it's a good thing altho i never had trouble except 4 my cc anyways. They do still fall slightly 2 the sides but i think that's the actual implant and the weight of them. The rt side may fall a lil more 2 the side due to the muscle thing. I think it reall feels supportive underneath 2 me 2. I felt like my old ones did drop more but I'm still wearing a bra, sports bra or some kind of support most of the time and always 2 bed. Gonna load pics now wish me luck that my phone doesn't pull a fast 1 on me! I miss u all and promise I'll find time 2 catchup with u all soon :) XXXX
Some fun :)
Been so happy with my girls now so been sending selfies to the hubby and we did have date night Saturday night thanks to goina2c :) gotta love when the grandson has a sleepover lol! More pics soon...
Provider Review
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
4200 N. Federal Hwy., Fort Lauderdale, Florida
I've gotta say I found a fantastic PS! Dr. Revis makes you so comfortable he has an awesome bedside manner which leads to comforting his patients. He's also very confidant without coming off cocky. The nurses at the hospital couldn't stop saying how nice he is and what a great PS he is. Even the lady that checked me in prior to surgery said how great he is and how people travel from everywhere just because he's so great! So thank you Dr. Revis...I haven't even seen my naked breasts yet but if he's as great as his reputation, then I have every reason to believe gonna be perfect ;)