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*Treatment results may vary
6 months post op :)
Dr Grigoryants did an amazing job on my breasts they are so soft & full my stretch marks from losing so much weight have disappeared
At least i won't have to worry about people paying attention to any scarring from the breast augmentation haha :p
Anywho I never got teased for being flat chested...
Anywho I never got teased for being flat chested I'm a pretty full b cup but lately I've been meeting some new girlfriends & they literally alllll have their breasts done... Don't get me wrong people I'm not trying to hop on the band wagon but since being around them so much I've taking a liking to well, full breasted women. I'm thinking about 650 ccs high profile but I'm sure that will change to something much more subtle & realistic with my build. Just something to boost my confidence & since I had emergency surgery that left me with a hideous scar from my belly button to right under my breasts I figure why not treat myself! I almost passed away I think I earned a little present. Anywho I will keep you guys updated & if you have any tips pweeeeassseee TELL ME because I'm such a newb!!
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