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*Treatment results may vary
Chin augmentation (profile view)
Here is a profile view of my chin. I'm going to get an implant and lipo under my chin for a better profile. Paired with rhinoplasty I think that will be perfect!
I'm so excited to be getting my rhinoplasty done...
I'm so excited to be getting my rhinoplasty done with Dr. Grigoryants! I've been bothered by my hump, long tip, and deviated septum since I was a teen! My middle part (where nose attaches to lip) also hangs very low so I'm hoping to fix this! I am also getting a chin implant to help with my facial balance and get a good strong profile.
Provider Review
I'm so excited to be getting my rhinoplasty with Dr Grigoryants on Dec 30th! My email consultation with him went well (felt rather generic/robotic) but I did send him my wish photos and my photos and he told me exactly what he would do including bringing in my nostrils which I hadn't considered previously! I feel like he is a master and I want him to give me his vision for my nose... But at the same time I am a bit of a control freak so a computer imaging would be nice!