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David Shifrin, MD
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
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Recovery house deposit - check

Tonight I paid my deposit for mayda's recovery house. She doesn't respond right away but my husband thinks that's a good sign cuz shes taking good care of someone. She said her and her asst will give me 24 hr care, breakfast, lunch and dinner, and massages will be given at her house. I just get this feeling it's going to be like staying at my aunts house or something. Lol. I'm going to stop stalking this site daily and only visit weekly until November. Good luck to all the real self dolls. I have other [RS bleep] I have to accomplish before I'm fisherfied. Take care and read you soon.

Should I stay or should I go lol

So I my dr shifrin yesterday. I mostly consulted with dr Paul but at the end dr shifrin popped his head in and asked me if I had any questions. He was very nice. At that point I had asked almost every possible question to dr Paul that i really didn't have any. So basically I feel really confident in the the results they will give me. Also he recommended a tt with my bbl but I told him I'm not sure I want to so both of those together anymore. I want them done including my breast lift-which he said he could do in house office under local anesthetic and I don't have to pay surgery center fees. So the fees-- it will cost about 10000 for the bbl and lipo!!! If I get the tt and bbl it will be about 17000. They have the dates I need available it I jut don't know. Please real self sisters- I need your advice. I know I will get the results with fisher and the total for all the expenses to go to Miami come out to 8000 t the most. But then there's my time away from home and work. I will need two weeks away from both id I go to Miami. Im just confused and would definitely like to read what you all would do in situation. I don't have permission from work so I'm just going to call off using my sick and personal days. Please help with any advice.

Should I stay local?

Today I'm going to a consultation with dr schifrin. I already have a deposit with fisher but I thought I would at least try to find a great local dr to do my bbl. not sure on cost yet but I am going to factor in that I would be able to recoup at home and get to see/ speak to my dr whenever I like. That's got I be at least worth a 1000$! But if In the end I don't think dr schifrin has enough bbl experience and/ or I don't see "hundreds" of bbl results that look great- I'm sticking with dr fisher. So if anyone has had work done with him or seen positive or negative reviews, let me know please.
I'm including wish pic pictures for not only my bbl but ultimately the mommy makeover I want to get after I get my bbl. I'm too scary to do it all at once. I know that some aren't realistic but I'm under no mind that I will look exactly like these girls. That's why it's called wish pics and not goal pics.. lol

Provider Review

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
2335 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Illinois
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