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Happy New Year and 1 Year Post Op

Hello Gorgeous!!!!!!!

Hope your 2015 was filled with lots to be thankful for and feel good about. Wishing you an absolutely mind blowing fun 2016!!!!!!!!!!!

Just a quick update to let you know nothing much changed after my last post except my tummy got a bit flatter.

I have always loved my results and my life was enhanced beautifully as a result of my MM and vaginal rejuvenation surgeries!!!

I did develop some hypertropic scars around my bb and tt incisions, but they are now fading and flattening.

I have been wearing the most revealing one pieceswim suits I dare to wear and look forward to finally strutting in a bikini this summer :)))))

Here's hoping you're all doing very well, staying proud of your magnificent bodies, loving like crazy, thinking/feeling positive, and all around living life to the fullest!!!!!!!!!

7.5 Months Post Mommy MakeOver

Happy summer Ladies!!!!

I was wanting to wait until 9 months post op to update on my MM with Dr. Hochstein, but I was inspired by one of the ladies here (recent MM with Dr. H), who private messaged me, to go ahead and post some updated pics.

It's been 7.5 months since my MM - tummy tuck, breast implants and lipo of i/o thighs, mons and flanks.


1. Except for no sensation below my bb, I feel very fine.

2. I don't think my tummy is as flat as it could be as you can see in my pictures. It seems to me that not much fat was suctioned from it.

3. When I sit down, my tummy rounds.

4. I could complain and make myself feel bad because of this, but I'm a happy gal and I choose to do what I can to help enhance my results (Heavy weight lifting and positive feeling).

5. It's interesting because I look and feel wonderful overall and am happy I had my mm. I look totally sexy in and out of clothes :)))


1. The swelling is done.

2. Drop and fluff have happened

3. As expected, boobs look smaller but totally gorgeous!

4. I love my boobs!!!


1. I'm still on a quest for inner thigh gap - ha ha ha.

2. My current PS will do an in office revision to help my flanks, and get me that inner thigh gap. Yahoooo!!!!


I'm SO happy I my MM with Dr. H and for those who keep asking - yes, I'd choose him again if I had to.

I love lifting heavy weights and am delighted with what it's doing to my body. I look forward to someday having six pack abs - oh yeah!

Wishing you all JOY throughout life's adventurous journey - what a trip :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) LOL LOL LOL LOL XOXOXOXO

Vaginal Rejuvenation Update

Hello Beauties!!!!!!!

I am one VERY happy and satisfied woman and i wanted to share my satisfaction with all of you :)))))

So here're the details of post vaginal rejuvenation:

1. So i had a labia minora reduction (my inner parts looked terrible and could be seen sticking past my jj when i stood in front of the mirror) which totally beautified my jj and brought my clit closer to the opening, thereby allowing for more friction and orgasmic bliss - oh yeah!!!!

2. I also had my vaginal opening tightened all the way to my cervix ( I once described my jj opening as a 3 car garage for only 1 car which needed to be remodeled back to a perfect 1 car garage - you get the picture. I could hardly feel anything during sex) which has made me tight on the outside and inside (both hubby and I really love all the tightness)

3. It was about 8 weeks post that we first took beautiful jj for a test drive. We quickly realized we needed lots of lube to ease penetration and reduce the slight discomfort i felt both in the opening and my perineal area (which was sewn up)

4. Girls, turns out, I do have LOTS of beautiful sensations down there that i'd almost forgotten about post kiddos.

5. Needless to say, test drive was an all night success!!!

6. Since then, I have no discomfort and thoroughly enjoy every delicious coital experience! We still use lube, but no longer as much as the first time - ha ha ha

In conclusion, I'm extremely happy I added vaginal rejuvenation to my MM!!!! I'm a very happy wife and hubby feels like a [RS bleep] teenager - I likey :))))))

To the BEST in you :)))))))

Provider Review

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
585 NW 161st, Miami, Florida