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*Treatment results may vary

Post op appointment

Went to my post op appointment and everything went well. Dr mentioned he wasn’t able to completely get rid of my previous belly button so you can see it in the very center of my incision. He told me not to worry as he would cut it out in 3-6mo and you won’t be able to tell it was ever there. I am truly grateful for what a wonderful job he did as I honestly was expecting a vertical belly button scar. I was under the impression I wouldn’t have nearly enough skin to complete the full tuck but I basically did! I would recommend dr Yarish to anyone looking for a breast augmentation or tummy tuck, his work as well as his bedside manner is amazing!! I believe it’s his technique that has me in minimal pain, the breast I cannot even tell pain wise that I did anything, they are significantly larger but I do not feel any pain from that, and my tummy is only sore since I had pretty severe diastis recti. More than anything my BACK IS KILLING ME!! Which the soma muscle relaxers are working wonders for that. All in all I’ve had a wonderful experience. Here is a picture of me at my post op and another once wrapped back up at home. Oh and I’m so happy my hip tattoo is completely gone! Drains are said to come out in two weeks unless my drainage slows down to about 20ml for whole 24hrs before then.

Mommy makeover petite frame

Hello, I decided last minute to post about my own personal journey, I am somewhat new to RS. Yesterday (dec5) I had a mommy makeover which included a full tummy tuck (included hernia and diastis recti repair) and exchanged my 350cc moderate saline implants with 600cc HP. I have my first follow up appointment tomorrow so I hope to get some pictures while I’m unwrapped. Pain wise I honestly expected way worse, I woke up in a good positive mood despite being very very nervous weeks leading up so I wonder if that helped my pain tolerance having a positive outlook. The nurses as well as my doctor were very reassuring they would take great care of me which was nice. My stats for anyone wondering are 5’3 115lb. I have two children ages 5 and 1 and due to breast feeding my nipples have enlarged dramatically so I plan to go back to my doctor after I heal some and have them resized down the line. I’ll try to post PICTURES FROM MY FIRST BREAST AUGMENTATION in 2012 and a picture from before my surgery yesterday so your able to see the time line of my breast.

Provider Review

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
950 Threadneedle Street, Houston, Texas
Overall rating