Treatment Provider
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I went to visit the Dr. and was shocked at the...
Provider Review
Dr. R did a side by side computer image of a current picture vs. a photoof me from 20 years ago. He pointed out areas which could be treated and as he did so, the image on the current photo screen changed to reflect the probable outcone of the procedure. Dr. R. went through each possible procedure in this way. He proposed 3 different treatment plans , each one reflecting various budget plans and "down time". Everything was thoroughly explained. His staff was very knowledgeable, helpful and friendly . There was no pressure. Each treatment was minimally invasive and all but painless. The results for the particular treatment plan I chose were not immediate- but gradual and natural looking. I feel like someone turned the light back on inside of me!! If you are even mildly considering any cosmetic treatments, I would strongly urge a consultation! You won't be disappointed!!