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*Treatment results may vary

I got this procedure done at Dr. Kuthaila's office...

I got this procedure done at Dr. Kuthaila's office. I am now 6 months post op and I'm pretty disappointed at the results. The breast enlargement is pretty small half a cup at best. Moreover, the areas that were liposuctooned (tummy and inner thighs) don't show much of a difference since before surgery. Im not sure if the doctor was aggressive enough in taking out as much fat as she could but I don't feel like the result was the drastic change I wanted (flat stomach and smaller thighs and bigger boobs). I would have been more willing to accept the small increase in boob size as that is expected but the liposuctooned areas don't even show much of a difference. Overall very disappointed in my results. I recommend either getting a liposuction and/or breast enlargement surgery separately or going to a doctor who will be more aggressive with the amount of fat they take out.

Provider Review

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
30 Central Park S, New York, New York
Call Doctor
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Overall rating
Doctor's bedside manner
Answered my questions
After care follow-up
Time spent with me
Phone or email responsiveness
Staff professionalism & courtesy
Payment process
Wait times

Initial consultation: very friendly and knowledgable. The process of booking the procedure was very easy. Post op: I saw Dr. Kuthaila after my operation a one month and three month post op the and my healing went really well. I'm now six months in and I'm not very happy with my results. I feel she was conservative with the amount of fat taken out. I am also not happy with the shape of my stomach I don't see much of a difference from before.