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*Treatment results may vary
Horrible Rhinoplasty Experience
If I could give 0 stars I would. I had a rhinoplasty with Dr Galiano in July 2019 and I'll be now getting a revision with a different doctor after a lot of tears and regret. If you are not happy with any aspect of your surgery expect a lot of gaslighting, even when your issues are obvious. I have external valve collapse, soft triangle damage, alar retraction, and wonky nostrils, all of which were clear to me after the surgery but Dr Galiano kept insisting that my nose looked great and I was purposely trying to find issues to be upset about. I don't know how anyone could look at my nostrils and honestly say they look good - they are so completely botched they don't even look like they belong on the same nose. If this is the kind of work that he finds aesthetically pleasing then future patients should be warned. Galiano kept insisting that my nostrils were asymmetrical before the surgery, but in my before picture my nostrils look normal and nothing like now, so that's just more dishonesty on his part. Every doctor I've consulted with has said that it's impossible to create the same nostrils as before the initial rhinoplasty, so I'm absolutely gutted now that my nostrils look like this and will be practically impossible to fix. Do not go to Galiano unless you have the funds to get a revision.
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