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I've set my surgery date for August 29th, However,...
I've set my surgery date for August 29th, However, I may have to push it back a bit as I am still trying to secure the remaining 4,460.00 that is needed. For now I will keep my fingers crossed and hope that everything comes together on time :)
MY CONSULTATIONS: My first consultation was...
My first consultation was with Dr. Armando Soto of Orlando, FL. I found his office to be very nice, clean, and modern. I also found his staff to be very professional (His PT Coordinator was very sweet and spent WAY more time trying to explain things to me than Dr Soto did). However, I found my consultation with Dr. Soto to be quite rushed. To me it seemed as if he didn't care one way or another if he did my surgery. He was very matter of fact with me, showed little to no interest in my case. I felt as though he had categorized me as someone who was only shopping around for a cheap price (when that was NOT the case at all). When he asked me if I wanted to go with silicone or saline and I told him I wasn’t sure, his provided no guidance other than to tell me that I would need to figure that out, and that silicone feels most natural and saline feels like a water balloon place behind the skin. Overall I felt his office feeling like I had wasted my time. Now I am NOT saying that Dr. Soto is a BAD doctor in terms of his work. Based on the pictures posted on his website I would say that his work looks very good. I'm just saying he REALLY needs to work on his people skills and be more welcoming to potential patients. Had be been a little more pleasant and shown a more caring nature I would have probably selected him to do my BA and Lift (even though his quote was over 2k more than Dr. Joseph’s quote).
My second consultation was with Dr. Brian Joseph. A co-worker who went to Dr. Joseph for a BA and Lift suggested that I go and talk with him after I told her about my less that satisfactory experience with Dr. Soto.
Hands down, Dr Joseph was GREAT! He was friendly, professional, and explained everything to me. It was like he anticipated my questions and he answered them before I could even ask. I found his office to be very nice, clean, and well decorated. One thing that I really liked was the fact that his degrees were not just posted in his office; he also had copies of his degrees and awards posted in his patient examination room. I also found his staff to be very professional. Trudy his PT Coordinator was also very sweet and she worked with me to get the right surgery date scheduled as my husband and I have conflicting schedules and he will be the one caring for me after the surgery.
I did have a third consultation scheduled with Dr. Jon Paul Trevisani but I was so happy with the consultation I had with Dr. Joseph (and the fact that a close co-worker had recommended him) I decided to go with him.
My first consultation was with Dr. Armando Soto of Orlando, FL. I found his office to be very nice, clean, and modern. I also found his staff to be very professional (His PT Coordinator was very sweet and spent WAY more time trying to explain things to me than Dr Soto did). However, I found my consultation with Dr. Soto to be quite rushed. To me it seemed as if he didn't care one way or another if he did my surgery. He was very matter of fact with me, showed little to no interest in my case. I felt as though he had categorized me as someone who was only shopping around for a cheap price (when that was NOT the case at all). When he asked me if I wanted to go with silicone or saline and I told him I wasn’t sure, his provided no guidance other than to tell me that I would need to figure that out, and that silicone feels most natural and saline feels like a water balloon place behind the skin. Overall I felt his office feeling like I had wasted my time. Now I am NOT saying that Dr. Soto is a BAD doctor in terms of his work. Based on the pictures posted on his website I would say that his work looks very good. I'm just saying he REALLY needs to work on his people skills and be more welcoming to potential patients. Had be been a little more pleasant and shown a more caring nature I would have probably selected him to do my BA and Lift (even though his quote was over 2k more than Dr. Joseph’s quote).
My second consultation was with Dr. Brian Joseph. A co-worker who went to Dr. Joseph for a BA and Lift suggested that I go and talk with him after I told her about my less that satisfactory experience with Dr. Soto.
Hands down, Dr Joseph was GREAT! He was friendly, professional, and explained everything to me. It was like he anticipated my questions and he answered them before I could even ask. I found his office to be very nice, clean, and well decorated. One thing that I really liked was the fact that his degrees were not just posted in his office; he also had copies of his degrees and awards posted in his patient examination room. I also found his staff to be very professional. Trudy his PT Coordinator was also very sweet and she worked with me to get the right surgery date scheduled as my husband and I have conflicting schedules and he will be the one caring for me after the surgery.
I did have a third consultation scheduled with Dr. Jon Paul Trevisani but I was so happy with the consultation I had with Dr. Joseph (and the fact that a close co-worker had recommended him) I decided to go with him.
WHY BA & LIFT NOW: I'm choosing to have breast...
WHY BA & LIFT NOW: I'm choosing to have breast augmentation with a lift because I simply do not like the shape and size of my breast as well as the placement of my nipples (they point downward). I began developing at a very early age, but that development did not carry into my teenage years. As a result I ended up with tuberous breast with my right breast size at a A/B cup and a my left breast at a B/C cup. I've tried the normal things girls/women due to enhance their size (i.e. Push Up Bras, Water Bras, and occasionally stuffing my bra) but even with doing that I still wasn't happy with the overall look and size. Thus I decided to pursue BA. Please Note: I will post before pictures closer to my surgery date.
Provider Review
I did not rate the Dr for "After Care Follow Up" as I have not had my surgery yet. I will update this once my surgery is complete.