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*Treatment results may vary
Implant exchange with internal bra. Amazing...
Implant exchange with internal bra. Amazing experience in all aspects. From the office personal to the hospital/surgical support staff. Pain was very manageable as I traveled the day after surgery. I've had 3 prior procedures and this made me feel like a woman again. Everything down to the hotel room was prepped for, and made easier by Dr Revis' staff. I couldn't be happier!
Provider Review
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
4200 N. Federal Hwy., Fort Lauderdale, Florida
I live in the tampa area, and found Dr Revis thru an online forum. After 3 surgeries not giving me what I wanted, I scheduled with Dr. Revis. From the moment I walked into his office until my post op I felt like family! I'm 3 weeks PO and feel whole again. My results really couldn't be better!! Thanks to Dr Revis and his amazing staff for making me feel like a woman again. #priceless.